
Government Working for You

Student Government at the University of Oregon is made up of students, representing and elected by their peers. From helping set the I-Fee and allocating funds for student groups, to providing resources for club leaders, the ASUO Student Government Association is here to support all UO students.

Contact an ASUO Officer

Student Government at the UO

The ASUO is structured into three branches, each with separate roles designated by the ASUO constitution. The ASUO Executive Branch consists of the ASUO Student Body President, the Student Body Vice President, and up to twenty-four appointed students who serve as Executive Cabinet Members. The Legislative Branch consists of a twenty-four-member Student Senate and four Finance Committees with seven to twelve student members each. The Constitution Court, a five-member body, makes up the Judicial Branch.

Student Government Engagement and Success

ASUO is supported by Student Government Engagement and Success, whose goal is to foster a student-centered environment that promotes active engagement and empowers the next generation of government leaders.

We're Here to Support Experiential Growth

Advising and Support

Our team provides personalized advising, coaching, and support for ASUO Officers, student organization leaders, and students, helping them navigate university processes and develop skills in self-advocacy.

Education and Development

We lead efforts in education, development, and continuity programs, equipping student leaders, officers, and advocacy-focused students with the tools to advocate for themselves and their communities.

Administrative and Financial Support

We oversee the administrative and financial support services of ASUO, ensuring adherence to ASUO-managed policies, rules, and standards among ASUO-Recognized Student Organizations.

Career Readiness

We offer enriching work experiences designed to build career readiness skills for students employed within our department.

Student Government Engagement and Success

EMU Suite 004
1395 University Street
Eugene, OR 97403-2572

  M   9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
   T   9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
  W   9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
TH   9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
   F   9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

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Financial Support for Student Organizations:

Student Advocacy Program:

Student Organization Leader Support: